
Tour operator interest

We are developing a new application designed to list tours for booking. We would like to get a feeling on how the public would view such a service.

If you are a regular tourist or planning to take tours in the foreseeable future, or are planning a vacation in a place that you are not familiar with, or maybe travelling in a country  and will not necessarily know what adventures lay in your path, then maybe this idea will interest you.

We will rely on tourism operators to provide tour information through an administration console specifically designed for them to manage their bookings, returns and reporting. The more operators the greater chance of finding a tour for you. There could be potentially thousands of tour operators around the world who can provide this information which can be compiled for online processing.

You would search on the type of tours that interest you, how far  you are prepared to travel on the day, and the date range that suits you. You will be rewarded with a list of coming attractions and you can select one or more of these and add the people going and purchase online. Just turn up on the day with your receipt and you’re on your way.

We would encourage feedback from interested people including those who would make such bookings and operators. Please respond below if interested or contact us through the social media links on this site.