If you have worked in project development using the waterfall method you will understand just how hard it is to get all the customer’s requirements up front. You then go about generating system requirements, design documents and wait for a sign off before coding. Along the path, usually there will be a disagreement with the customer on functionality and the developer will attempt to get a change request or variation to cover the new work and the customer will be arguing against it or that they were never given enough time to comprehend the document they signed off on.
In our Commercial Tour Operator project, we have designed the solution end to end but we have built a semi-functional prototype and associated Logical Design document for the front end module. We will be using this in discuss with operators to get a more accurate picture of the requirements. We know that the basics are correct but we may need to refine some of the properties and calls to the back end services .
Savvycom is actually the product owner but we depend on input from the operators and customers who will rely on our product. We rely on their knowledge to add and prioritize the backlog of work to be performed. With Jira Agile Scrum boards, we build sprints which are generally planned for completion in around 30 days. This is based on how much work we can achieve in this period or our velocity. The velocity is calculated as the number of story points we can achieve in a sprint. This is evolving with every iteration but should stabilize after timer giving estimation predictability.